Fractional marketing consulting for small business owners without a marketing team.

We tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear.

Marketing is broken and we're on a mission to fix it.

Everywhere people go, they are tracked and monitored, having their data recorded, stored, used, and sold to the highest bidder.

There are thousands of marketing technology companies and advertising agencies.

Almost everywhere you turn, someone is knocking on your door, leaving you voicemails, sending you text messages and emails to get you to buy more or sign up for their marketing services.

We are here to create experiences that matter, with brands and businesses that provide real and unique value and who care about building human relationships, not just transactions.

Find another consultant if you’re only worried about lead volume and filling your marketing funnel.

We’ll help sort through the marketing mess and provide strategic advice to help achieve your business goals (if you don’t have any, we can help with that, too).

You can figure it out alone…but you don’t need to.

Why fractional marketing consulting?

Fractional marketing consulting for small business owners can:

  • Be Cost-Effective: Hiring a full-time CMO or marketing executive can be expensive, especially for small businesses, but it gives you access to expertise for a fraction of the cost (it’s like having a CMO in your back pocket).
  • Offer Flexibility: Since fractional marketing consulting is part-time, small businesses can scale up or down based on their needs. We have no contracts, so you can cancel at any time and move up or down in the amount of support you need.
  • Provide Immediate Impact: We are skilled at seeing the forest through the trees and can quickly assess your entire business to identify quick wins. In every single free consult we’ve ever done, we find one thing you can change immediately in your business to have a positive impact on results.
  • Unbiased Perspective: You are so focused and busy operating your business that it can be hard to see outside the walls. Since we’ve worked with businesses across dozens of verticals, we bring an unbiased, outsider perspective on opportunities that might be overlooked.
  • Focus on Operating: Let’s face it, most small businesses exist because they are good at one (or two) things. We allow you to focus on operating your business and not worry about everything else.
  • Mitigate Risk: This is not to say there is zero risk in working with a fractional consultant, but the risk is lessened when you work with someone experienced vs. wasted time, money, effort, and resources hiring more junior-level professionals. 
  • Mentorship: Our goal is to get you to the point where you no longer need us. By providing guidance, support, and education, you’ll be armed with enough knowledge to have the confidence to move forward on your own, hire an in-house marketing team or speak to marketing partners without feeling like you are being sold or taken advantage of.

How it works.

  1. Schedule a free consultation
  2. Discuss your business needs
  3. Chose a support plan and get started

How we support you.

Strategic Planning

Conduct research to understand the needs of the people that use your service, identify market trends, competitive landscape and build a comprehensive strategy aligned with the business goals.

Brand Management

Build and/or enhance the company's brand identity and positioning in the market and create brand consistency through the entire experience.

Human Experience

We are a human first consultancy, everything we do is based on the needs of real people. We'll create experiences that matter and allow you to build genuine relationships with those that use your product or service.

Digital Marketing

Whether it's running ads on Google, Meta or trying to create the next viral trend on TikTok, we'll build a digital marketing strategy that creates meaningful experiences with your customers, wherever they may see you.

Digital Innovation

We now live in a digital world and we'll incorporate technology, consciously, to enhance the experience with the people that use your service AND use technology to streamline internal operations.

Data & Analytics

Define key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to measure the success of the business while implementing systems to track and analyze the effectiveness of marketing efforts.

Schedule a FREE Consultation

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Albert Einstein